I still remember that night.... darling called me.. telling me i received an email where i'm rejected by NTU...
I was in a terrible despair that time... I was thinking malao-eh ... NTU also dun want me... no need to think about NUS d...
So i walked back home... cooked some noodles... and eat them sadly in front of my pc..
I was very gatal to check my NUS application... after keying in my password... i saw some yellow words there....
Usually they should be black colour stating " your application is currently being processed "
INSTEAD ... orange words stating YOU WERE OFFERED SCIENCE IN NUS ...
I was like :"come on dick-head... i know i'm tired.... but pls dun fool me like this..."
so i refreshed 3 times... the same thing come out...
I was thinking... hei ! I'm not dreaming dude ...
So i refreshed again and again !!
It's true !!
i couldn't tahan myself but jump , laugh , cry !!
then i called my wife....
who was sleeping like a sleeping beauty that time...
her first reaction was "So ?"
i was like wth ...
then i shout back at her :" I got NUS !!!"
Then she shouted me back :" huh ? really ?!?!!!!!!!!"
lol... and the sleeping beauty was awake !
lol.... honestly i wanna thank God for giving me this offer... this chance...
there are something that i must share with you all... but i'm too lazy to type....
I go and talk to Guan Yin... and she gave me some weird answer.... bla ... i'll talk about it in my next post .. goodnight..